Aion Wind Spirit Pet

Spiritmaster’s pets are called Spirits. As you level up, characters will obtain new skills that allow you to summon larger and more powerful versions of the spirits. A Spiritmaster has skills to summon one of four spirits at a time based on one or more of the four core elements; fire, earth, wind, and water (at level 10).

Wind Spirit

The spirits are not available initially but will be gained via skillbooks as you progress through the levels.

The Wind Spirit is the third of the melee style summons offering high damage and the ability to stun. Probably the preferred spirit for PvP prior to the level cap, the Wind Spirit is the fastest and strongly based around criticals. High Speed and Attack are the cornerstone of the Wind Spirit backed by average Vitality, average Magical Defense, and below average Physical Defense. The Wind Spirit is designed with damage in mind and functions much like the actual Spiritmaster itself, combining high damage over time effects with an element of control via stuns. Through commands the Wind Spirit can bolster its critical values or go directly for a stun on the target. When used with the Wall of Protection command the Wind Spirit provides boosts to Accuracy and Evasion.

Parties may wish to use the Wind Spirit for rare fights where interrupting a longer cast skill is highly beneficial. Its damage output will be similar to that of the Fire Spirit but it will lack a little bit of survivability. Additionally several of its command effects may be easily resisted making it a suboptimal choice for fights against higher level targets.

Dropped from mobs

  • Wind and Water spirit books are dropped from mobs of the same sprite. On the Asmodian side it drops near the Impetisium, on the Elyos side it drops around the Ardus Shrine.
  • the Wind/Water spirits the first books of them can be found from the Whirlpool (water) and Atmosphere (wind) spirits around the holy ground area of Verteron. Assuming you are playing Elyos
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Hungry Zaif10Verteron
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Needle Tail Karnif10Altgar
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Atmosphere Spirit18Verteron
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Blade Wind Spirit18Altgar
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Cyclone Spirit18Altgar
Wind Spirit I

Available for Level 13 or higher

Frost Wind Spirit19Verteron


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One Response to Aion Wind Spirit Pet

  1. Chocolate_Good says:

    Help how to get Wind Spirit III and IV

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