The power to create and change stats and attributes is welcome in every MMORPG. While you are trying to get the best armor sets or weapons additional attributes will help you to be proud of your non-green/blue/orange items.
There are six basic class attributes:
This attribute defines a character’s basic physical strength and affects physical damage inflicted on enemies during combat.
This attribute defines character’s basic hit points and hit point recovery. You are always regenerating HP in and out of combat.
This attribute defines a character’s basic ability to evade, parry or block enemy attacks. When you parry an attack you still take damage but it’s cut by a certain %.
This attribute defines a character’s basic to hit and chance to critically hit an opponent while in combat.
Manastone ACCURACY
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, +16, 18, 20)
Green Manastones: Odd #s (+19+21, +23,+25)
Spell damage and spell accuracy are affected by this attribute.
This attribute defines a character’s basic mana points and mana point recovery.
Physical Defense is a characters ability to mitigate melee and ranged physical damage. The higher this value the less damage taken when hit with physical attacks.
Evasion is your characters ability to dodge attacks. Evading an attack is the only way your character can avoid melee damage all together from an attack. Spells and ranged attacks can sometimes miss you, however, that is based on the character or NPC’s Magic Accuracy rather than your Evasion.
Manastone EVASION
Value Range: +4-15
White Manastones: Even #s (+4, +6, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd #s (+11, +13, etc.)
Block is your characters ability to block and reduce damage from attacks. Blocking an attack requires that you have a shield equipped. Depending on the attributes of the shield, you may see more or less damage reduction.
Parry is your character’s ability to defend itself with weapons. When a parry is made your character will still take damage however it will be at a reduced percentage.
Manastone Parry
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)
Magical Resistance is your ability to resist incoming spells. This attribute gives you the chance to avoid damage spells and debuff spells. This is also the only attribute that affects spells in this way.
Manastone: Magical Resistance
Value Range: +12
Green Manastones: +12
The higher this stat is, the less likely you are to be interrupted if you take damage while casting a spell
Attack is an attribute that modifies physical damage done by weapons and abilities. This attribute is listed in the Main Hand and Off Hand sections of the Profile Window.
Manastone Attack
Value Range: +1-5
White Manastones: (+1, +2, +3)
Green Manastones: (+4, +5)
Crit Rate is your chance to critically hit an opponent.
Manastone: Physical Critical Hit
Value Range: +4-15
White Manastones: Even #s (+4, +6, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd #s (+11, +13, etc.)
Attack speed is the delay between each normal melee attack made by your character. Your attack speed decreases because you are mentally and physically exhausted. You can remove this abnormal condition by using physical magic or a potion.
Magic Boost is the modifier that increases spell damage.
Manastone: Magic Boosting Power
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even #s (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd #s (+21, +23, etc.)
Magic Accuracy is your characters ability to hit a target. The higher this attribute the more often you will hit what you are casting spells at during combat.
Manastone: Magical Accuracy
Value Range: +10, +12
Green Manastones: (+10, +12)
Didn’t you forget concentration?
Concentration added 🙂
Thanks a lot for guide. that helped me a LOT !
AFAIK there is no white +4 attack manastone. It’s green.
White manastones is +1 +2 and +3, greens: +4 +5
Thank you, I have changed the attributes.
And magical Crit? U forget?
Attack speed is the delay between each normal melee attack made by your character. Your attack speed decreases because you are mentally and physically exhausted. You can remove this abnormal condition by using physical magic or a potion.
your attack speed never decreases in this game there is no mental and physical exhuastion in this game.
So can someone tell me which attributes and stats I should focus on as a Templar? I could guess but I’m certain I’d get it wrong. The same goes for manastones: I have no idea which to equip on my weapons and armor.
@ John:
If you are preparing you Templar for PvP you should focus on +Physical Crit, and if your Templar is tank, focus on +Block and HP.
And what about ranger? What is more likely I ll need as I lvl up?
im looking for ranger info as well