Roleplaying community on Lumiel is hosting a roleplaying event on Sunday May 16 with the purpose of recruiting new members to RP Legions. The whole event is organized by aionroleplayers.com members and it will take place in Sanctum on Sunday, May 16th @ 8pm CST (6pm PST, 7pm MST, 9pm EST). To read the full announcement please visit the AionRolePlayers.com forums.
Here’s the most important info:
What: Role-playing legion “recruitment” event, in support of the growth & longevity of Lumiel’s Elyos RP legions
Date/Time: Sunday, May 16th @ 8pm CST (6pm PST, 7pm MST, 9pm EST)
Location: Sanctum, Elyos SquareWhy: Meet & Greet for role-play legions and interested recruits to get together and to interactively learn more about what RP legions are active in the Lumiel Elyos community and what niches they fill. This is also a great opportunity for RP legions to better get to know each other and network a bit.
Faire Contacts: Katriel & Teuta
(Interested in helping? We will need help spreading the word and with contacting RP legions with invites. Please PM or /whisper Katriel)Channels: Join the following RP Recruitment Faire channels to hear each guild give their 1-2 minute “OOC” pitch describing their legion. Registered legions will be given the floor to speak in alphabetical order, and will be given a brief amount of time following their pitch to answer OOC questions. You can find them at their “booth” for further, more detailed Q&A as well as for RP interactions with them.
/join RPLRF-E for the duration of this event.