Images of two new Aion lands

Patch 2.0 made its appearance on the Korean Test servers and in turn we have loads of media pouring in. Just to remind you, NCSoft plans to release this patch to the Western audiences sometime in September/October (as announced in their Q1 2010 quarterly earnings report conference call ). Lets start with the maps of the new Balaur lands Gelkmaros and Inggison.

NOTE: all of these are speculation. Our Korean is no good and we may have misunderstood a lot of things. We’ll provide you with the images but make sure you take everything with a grain of salt.

Gelmaros and Inggison map

Click to view full size

View the rest of the images in our gallery below:

Asmo landElyos landPvPvE instanceI26551366I26772856

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One Response to Images of two new Aion lands

  1. Nicki says:

    *Drooling* Ooooh, I can’t wait!! 😀

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